Oct 23-24, 2024
The Evolution of Kubernetes Development: A New Perspective from Containerization to Microservices
Invite all partners interested in storage tech to explore industry trends and applications. Whether for technical or business growth, seize this valuable chance to connect and learn
Real-Time Technical Workshop
Explore the latest storage technologies and application cases online. Receive timely technical guidance to enhance your understanding of our solutions
Join our exclusive webinar to dive into how to use QSAN’s XAgent technology on the QSM4 operating system to protect your server-side cache. This session will demonstrate how integrating XAgent with Windows VSS can provide robust snapshot protection, ensuring the security of your data under any circumstances. Don’t miss this opportunity—register now to enhance your data protection capabilities!
探索 QSAN 如何利用 VASA / VVOL 技術提供靈活且高效的儲存解決方案,從而引領業界。在這段引人入勝的影片中,我們仔細了解了 VASA / VVOL 的工作原理以及它們如何為 VMware 環境提供無與倫比的性能和靈活性。無論您是 IT 專業人士還是企業主,這都是了解儲存技術未來的絕佳機會。立即觀看,開啟您企業的儲存革命之旅!
Discover how QSAN leads the industry by leveraging VASA / VVOL technology to provide flexible and efficient storage solutions. In this fascinating video, we take a closer look at how VASA / VVOL work and how they provide unparalleled performance and flexibility for VMware environments. Whether you’re an IT professional or a business owner, this is a great opportunity to learn about the future of storage technology. Watch now and start the storage revolution for your business!
在這份全面指南中,探索一次寫入多次讀取(WORM)技術的強大功能。了解如何有效配置和利用 WORM 功能,以不可變的存儲解決方案保護您的資料。無論您是保護關鍵文件還是遵守法規要求,本影片都提供了關鍵見解和實用提示,幫助您充分發揮 WORM 技術的潛力。不要錯過這個機會,加強您的資料安全策略,信心保護您的資訊!
歡迎加入我們的線上工作坊,一場關於資料的探索之旅!在這次工作坊中,我們將帶領您深入了解 QSAN XInsight 資料儲存解決方案的精髓,以及如何利用 Restful API 實現資料的靈活管理和應用。無論您是專業人士、開發者還是對資料儲存和管理感興趣的人,都將從本次工作坊中獲益良多。不容錯過的學習和交流機會
Welcome to our online workshop, a journey into the realm of data! In this workshop, we will delve into the essence of QSAN XInsight data storage solutions and explore how to leverage Restful API for flexible data management and application. Whether you’re a professional, developer, or simply interested in data storage and management, you’ll benefit greatly from this workshop. Don’t miss out on this invaluable opportunity for learning and networking
Join us in a city near you to connect with industry leaders, explore our storage solutions firsthand, and stay ahead of market trends with expert insights
Join us at Storage Day Rome 2024, where leading companies in storage and hyperconverged solutions come together to showcase the latest advancements. QSAN is excited to participate alongside Supermicro, Western Digital, and SHARE Distribuzione SRL, presenting cutting-edge innovations that drive business continuity and data storage efficiency.
As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to transform our work and lives, the demand for infrastructure grows rapidly. This event will explore the key components of AI infrastructure, including data storage, computing resources, and network architecture. Industry experts will share insights on how to choose and deploy the right infrastructure to support AI applications, offering valuable advice for AI developers, IT managers, and business leaders.
隨著AI技術的不斷進步,儲存解決方案在AI運算中扮演著至關重要的角色。本次「AI 全球發展趨勢及產業應用方案研討會」,將探討如何選擇最適合的儲存方案來提升 AI 運算效能,並幫助企業加速數位轉型
隨著AI技術的不斷進步,儲存解決方案在AI運算中扮演著至關重要的角色。本次「AI 全球發展趨勢及產業應用方案研討會」,將探討如何選擇最適合的儲存方案來提升 AI 運算效能,並幫助企業加速數位轉型
SECON 2024는 아시아 최대 보안 전시회로, 2024년 3월 20일부터 22일까지 대한민국 서울에서 개최됩니다. 본 행사에서는 AI, IoT, 클라우드 보안, 감시 시스템 등 최첨단 보안 솔루션을 선보이며, 글로벌 업계 전문가들이 한자리에 모입니다. 세미나, 워크숍 및 전시를 통해 혁신과 네트워킹, 비즈니스 기회를 강조합니다.
微軟 2024 年 01 月正式推出 Copilot for Microsoft 365,全面協助企業客戶運用 AI 化簡馭繁,藉由智慧生產力工具賦能企業用戶作業體驗升級,以塑造全新的 AI 工作型態。微軟 Azure 和 GitHub 整合. 協助城市開發者瞭解 GitHub 和 Azure 如何一起運作,以建置和部署應用程式。展碁也提供 AI 智慧穿戴方案藉以協助用戶提升效率及安全性,還有 QSAN 的企業備份儲存方案提供全方位的資料備份和還原。
Experience QSAN Technology Together
Official Annual Summit in person to connect with industry leaders, gain insights, and explore our latest innovations firsthand
Oct 23-24, 2024 | Taiwan
With insights from QSAN experts, the event will cover innovations in containerization, microservices, and cloud infrastructure tailored to enhance deployment and operational agility.
Jun4-7, 2024 | Taiwan
COMPUTEX 2024 showcases QSAN’s latest in AI-ready storage, focusing on seamless, high-performance, low-latency solutions for modern enterprise needs.
May 30-Jun 2, 2023 | Taiwan
The event features industry insights from experts at QSAN, Veeam, and Western Digital, covering topics essential for resilient enterprise storage.
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