National Institute of Agricultural Botany Store Large Amount of Research Data


The National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) were founded in 1919 and employ over 400 people across multiple Regional Centres with their HQ based in Cambridge.

NIAB is a scientific research institute who are experts in the growing of cereals, leguminous crops, and oil seeds in order to support activities and farmers for crop production and yield. NIAB also conducts other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering.





NIAB has their own scientific department that generates a huge amount of data with their genetic research into crop species and varieties. This data is fundamental to what NIAB does and needs to be held for a number of years. This, of course, brings with a number of challenges in terms of data storage.


The solution in this instance was to add further storage to NIAB’s existing infrastructure that would future-proof us for a number of years in terms of our data that was being generated and that needed to be stored. This was provided in way of a 64TB QSAN XCubeSAN XS3212D.






The end result is we now have enough resilient storage to see us through the next 1-2 years before requiring any other type of storage solution. NIAB has a number of QSAN products on site that have proven to be very reliable and that have performed fantastically over since the first installation in our infrastructure.

"NIAB has been using QSAN products for several years. QSAN is essential for us in enabling the data infrastructure that powers NIAB's future."

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