Data Storage Guide for Startups

blog-Data Storage Guide for Startups

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Businesses transitioning to the cloud have a big learning curve ahead. And for the IT pros responsible for data storage for startups, it’s a big responsibility to make the right decision on cloud systems, NAS storage, and much more.

Security and performance should be the top priority when considering a NAS for business usage. It doesn’t matter if you’re a small office/home office business or a startup with 50-100 employees. Companies and their IT teams have to learn cloud-based approaches to store company data, how to use new applications, and how to manage the human capital necessary to keep networks running 24/7.

There is rising demand across the globe for IP/Network-based video surveillance systems and components. As a result, there is a parallel need for larger storage capacity, along with higher-resolution equipment. It’s time for an upgrade. Welcome to the Data Storage Guide for Startups.

Security Breaches

Security challenges for IT pros and data storage engineers are also growing exponentially. Recent breaches of data and security are costing entrepreneurs, startups and large companies more money every year due to ransomware attacks, DDOS hacks and more.

A recent Sophos survey “ The State of Endpoint Security ” noted that more than half (54%) of those companies surveyed were hit by ransomware attacks in the past year. The average cost per company affected by ransomware attacks were around $133,000 per incident. That includes areas affected like network and device costs, network downtime, loss of manpower and more.

Undermining your company’s data storage and security in the modern age is a choice no IT pro should make. The time is right in 2018 to upgrade your cloud-based data storage and security.

Data Storage

As businesses grow, there becomes a parallel need for increased technology infrastructure to handle data storage and security needs. Network-attached storage units help small-to-large companies create a location on their network where authorized employees can store and retrieve data files. It’s like a private cloud setup righter there in your small business operation.

Storage is a key component of NAS systems. A network-attached storage device like the XCubeNAS XN5004R provides top-quality performance NAS for any type of SOHO, small-to-medium-sized business or start-up company.

The critical priorities for IT pros to consider in choosing the right NAS device are security and performance. What is needed for the business? Where are the data security threats?

There are several benefits to having NAS storage for businesses. Reconciling data storage is only part of the equation. Helping to manage security for critical data is another key point. NAS storage is often available at lower costs, and it’s a bonus for small businesses to operate, as many entrepreneurs and small businesses might not employ an FT data engineer on staff. 

Other benefits of a NAS device are that they are accessible, affordable, easy to configure into your existing network and help meet the growing demand for data storage in fast-moving companies. Moving to a network-attached storage (NAS) system now can help your business grow its data storage capabilities, and help protect against malware and other network attacks. It’s important to have the right security solutions in place in your network protocol. NAS devices are growing in use as powerful, affordable storage and security solutions for many businesses – from home-based entrepreneurs to SMBs, from startups to enterprise businesses seeking data storage solutions.

File System

In any growing company, as more employees get hired, more work gets created. This creates increasing numbers of files containing video projects, presentations, employee information and more. All these projects take up more space.

With this growth comes a need for a data storage and security solution that scales with room for further storage, just as your business grows in complexity and network demands. That’s why QSAN products run on ZFS with a built-in snapshot. This meets the needs of most organizations.

It’s a big business advantage to have all the company information located in a NAS that’s accessible to authorized users. In this manner, employees can get the data they need to collaborate, produce follow-up work, and stay up-to-date on changing project deadlines. Data held on a NAS device can be accessed remotely by employees with a network connection.


It’s clear that modern enterprises must-have storage solutions to meet high-performance requirements. When you consider performance as part of your NAS, it’s clear why the XCubeNAS products are highly rated. They run on a high-performance ZFS platform, utilizing NVMe SSD slots, 10Gb, 40G and Thunderbolt 3 connectivity, and other features.

Using QSAN NAS protects critical company records, documents and customer data. It also preserves data integrity with the highest security and performance measures. Other performance features include Auto-Tiering and SSD Caching.


IT pros and data security professionals need to know what’s important when putting together a sound data security strategy. One company’s version of data security may involve highly sophisticated user codes and passwords. But another company may only have weak admin privilege passes to data storage. QSAN’s NAS security features can be a more balanced security effort among your employees and managers. Here are several key security features:

SED (Self-Encrypting Drives) – QSAN’s use of SEDs help prevent the loss of critical data through sloppy handling of discarded or failed drives that still contain sensitive data. After the HDD vendor integrates the SED HDD circuit, our QSAN unit integrates this SED technology into our software. This circuit addition supports the Self-Encrypting Drive feature, automatically decrypting all the data from the media while achieving compatibility with SED HDDs.

WORM (Write-Once, Read-Many) – WORM storage is a key component of data security, and for preserving the archival preservation of important records. WORM storage can prevent against accidental deletion or alteration of protected records.

QSAN is your partner for NAS data storage, offering secure data protection and comprehensive data management systems that are simple, secure, scalable and reliable. For more information, visit

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